
moony dream


You came, glowing white with peace and piety.

You promised that when the moon is full, you will come for me.

Every month since, when the moon is full, glowing white, on a background of black (or perhaps bluish-grey) sky, I would stare upwards and think of the promise. I guess promises made in dreams don't count.

I kept staring, nevertheless.


I was sitting on the wooden verandah of my own home. There was a full white moon on the black sky, and I was waiting for it to disappear.

When the moon disappears, I will go to perform my fajr prayers.

Remember, the logic in dreams doesn't have to match real life.

I waited. The moon is disappearing.. bit by bit, the edges and surface becoming blurred, like a white chalk mark being smudged by an invisible duster.

Suddenly, the sky became bright blue, sunshine was overflowing everywhere.

I have missed my fajr. It never comes [or has it came, and slipped away before me noticing it?]...


moony [ˈmuːnɪ]
adj moonier, mooniest
1. Informal dreamy or listless
2. (Astronomy) of or like the moon
3. Brit slang crazy or foolish

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003



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